Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Tonight, the new councillors and Mayor for 2009 were formally sworn into office in an official ceremony at Town Hall.
Friends and family witnessed the ceremony, which was followed by a modest reception. As a group, we decided to send a strong message of positive change and cultural diversity by electing Manningham's youngest mayor, Cr. Charles Pick and formally recognising the role of Deputy Mayor and electing Manningham's first Chinese councillor and Justice of the Peace, Fred Chua to that (honorary) role. Fred is seated to my right in the picture above. Congratulations Charles and Fred!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
How is the Mayor elected?
This evening the new "Councillors elect" met to discuss who should be
Lord Mayor of Manningham. We had a very good session, and I am very
heartened that we were unanimous in wanting to know as much as
possible about each other and the skills we would bring to the role,
before making an informed decision on who should be the "face of the
city". This term, with an odd number of councillors, the Mayor no
longer has a casting vote. In my opinion, this together with the
collaborative & democratic nature of decision making at council
meetings, puts the focus of the Mayor's role squarely on facilitation,
communication and team-/community-building. Just being the Mayor does
not mean that he or she "calls the shots". Being Mayor is an extension
of the tremendous privilege and responsibility to our community that
already comes from being an elected councillor. In the coming days,
our team of councillors elect (for we are not officially councillors
until the "swearing-in ceremony") will meet again to vote on who
should be Mayor for 2008-2009. Stay tuned and you'll read it first
here when the decision is made!
For those who are interested in the details of the election process, e-
mail me for an extract from the relevant bylaws (publicly available
information). In a nutshell,
1. Councillors nominate (seconds not required)
2. All Councillors vote by show of hands
3. If one candidate achieves a majority vote (at least 5 of 9 in our
case), they are elected Mayor.
4. Otherwise, candidate with lowest number of votes is eliminated and
we return to step 2, with all councillors voting but one less candidate.
5. If there is more than one candidate with joint lowest number of
votes, the first candidate of these to be "drawn from a hat" is
eliminated (the Hand of God, or luck depending on your view!)
Please note this is just my personal summary of the process and E&OE
applies (errors & omissions excepted)!
On a final note regarding Mayoral election, I would personally favour
a popular vote by the residents at the time councillors are elected,
just like in the City of Melbourne.
Stay tuned and you'll read it first here when the decision is made!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Declaring the Poll / Statements
On Monday 1st December, after a marathon counting session that ended around 4am, the successful candidates were officially announced by Mr. David Cook, the returning officer. The evening was hosted by Lydia Wilson, MCC’s CEO and press was in attendance.
Manningham’s new councillors for the next four years are:
Koonung Ward: Charles Pick(*), Ivan Reid, Fred ChuaHeide Ward: Geoff Gough(*), Grace La Vella(*), Stephen MayneMullum Mullum: Meg Downie, David Ellis, Graeme Macmillan
(*) Charles, Geoff and Grace were re-elected, having served the previous 3-year term.
At the"declaration of the poll" ceremony on Monday evening, it was my impression from the acceptance speeches that we have a great breadth of skills amongst the councillors, a professional working attitude and common goals of seeking transparency and ensuring good financial governance.
Some of the unsuccessful candidates also said a few words, reminding us of our election promises and promising to "keep and eye on us". The more community input we have the better I say! For those of you who have mislaid the voting leaflets with the statements (or never saw those of the other wards), they are freely available on the internet. However, the VEC website no longer displays candidates’ statements, and you would have to use Google’s web-cache to retrieve them. Specially for the less tech-savvy, I have reproduced the statements from the winning candidates verbatim. Please note that I am not endorsing these statements, merely publishing them from the public domain for my readers’ convenience. Copyright remains with the original authors. Order is as presented on the original VEC website.
"MAYNE, StephenAfter 20 years advocating for accountability and good governance in politics and business I am ready to independently serve Manningham and ensure the community gets good services and value from its council. I’m a Walkley Award winning journalist who founded Australia’s best known ezine www.crikey.com and appear regularly on 774 ABC Melbourne. Over the past decade I’ve asked questions at more than 300 AGMs of major public companies and believe Manningham will benefit from my experience standing up to rich and powerful vested interests. I will be a councilor advocating maximum transparency and holding the executive to account on behalf of the community. Manningham needs new energetic and reform-minded councilors. It’s time the old guard moved on after years of excessive rate increases. I’m 39 and married to barrister and RACV director Paula Piccinini. We live very happily in Templestowe with our three young children. Read more on www.maynereport.com ."
"GOUGH, GeoffAs your local Councillor and current Mayor, I seek your support for re- election. I listen, consult and act with integrity and responsibility. I deal with issues in an open and honest way, making myself readily available and never making promises I cannot deliver on. Living here for 51 years, I understand local issues and ensure Council hears and understands your point of view. Manningham must continue to function efficiently and responsibly with sound financial management and accountability. High quality services and facilities are essential and I will continue working hard to ensure these are responsive and accessible to all. Programs supporting the needs of young people, families and our ageing community must continue. I stand for sensible and balanced development. Infrastructure including roads, footpaths, drains, streetscapes, parks and community buildings must be maintained and improved. I will work with you to ensure our City continues to be the best."
"LA VELLA, GraceOver the last 3 years I have actively listened and addressed the concerns raised by our community. Achievements include Public Transport upgrades and significant increases in the number of services with more improvements due with the introduction of Smart Bus and Orbital Bus Services. Development of Wombat All abilities Playspace at Finns Reserve; the increase of public open space; provision of bicycle and walking paths along the linear reserves also upgrades of sporting facilities; improvements to safety at school drop off zones. Over the next term I intend to lobby State Government to complete road upgrades including King St and Templestowe Rd, undertake a feasibility study for train to Manningham, and introduce strategies to encourage and support Tourism and Local Business. Through strong leadership, teamwork, consultation with State & Federal Government I will continue to promote growth for Heide Ward and Manningham as a whole, moving us forward into future decades."
"CHUAH, FredAfter 40 years of voluntary community work, I believe it’s time for me to serve you and the Manningham community. I will endeavour to make Manningham a socially inclusive community where there is greater support for the aged, disabled, youth and young families, and that all residents have equal rights and access to services. I will turn Manningham into a more progressive council that is more accountable to its residents and responsible in spending; sets appropriate priorities; limits rate increase; obtains an equitable share of Government funding; and builds affordable housing, better roads and a better transport system. Being a strong advocate for the aged and socially disadvantaged, I recently established a not-for-profit nursing home. I am a member on the Ministerial Advisory Council of Senior Victorians; Council On The Ageing; Doncaster Hill Issue Forum and Manningham Community Health Services Management Board. For Forward- thinking and Commitment, Vote 1 Fred Chuah."
"PICK, CharlesIf re-elected I will continue battling to save you money, fighting for fairness, and protecting our community. Saving you money requires lower rates through stricter budgeting. It requires ending wasteful Council spending like luxury Councillor retreats, $7, 000 plus Mayoral dinners, and unwanted statues. I opposed every Council rate rise. Fighting for fairness means defending your right to be heard. This is why I established a panel of up to 1,000 residents to shape Council policies. Fairness requires a Council pensioner rate relief discount. Fairness means preventing inappropriate development through tightening Council planning. And fairness requires hard lobbying for better public transport, such as the Doncaster Tram 48 extension. Protecting our community demands Council preserving the Eastern Golf Club site, facilitating a new Jackson’s Court supermarket, and upgrading more footpaths and roads (including King Street). I have the passion and proven record to continue being your voice on our Council."
"REID, IvanFellow residents of Koonung, we face uncertain times, with financial markets in terrible turmoil. Crime is increasing, our neighbourhood character eroding. Transport and community facilities wanting. Challenging times demand better leadership. I will deliver good governance on rates, services for families and the elderly, crime prevention and appropriate neighbourhood development. Concerned by rising crime, I lobbied neighbours and co-founded a Neighbourhood Watch for the area between Doncaster, Wetherby and Tram roads - the first one there. As a senior technology executive, accountable for $20 million annual budget, I have sound financial experience. My analysis suggests we are not getting services we need when Council materials & services spending is half that of neighbouring Councils’ but employee costs proportionally higher. A father who has worked throughout the world, I understand the challenges facing old and young, newcomer and established resident alike. Discover more at www.bettermanningham.com and vote Reid for a better Manningham!"
"DOWNIE, MegAs a Donvale resident and a relief teacher in local primary schools, I believe Mullum residents get little value for their ratepayer dollar. I am a committee person for Ruffey Lake Park, Manningham Sewerage Stakeholders Panel and FOMDAC. If elected I would insist on: tighter controls on planning; the preservation of the Green Wedge; ceasation of the sale of pocket parks and instead their development for community purposes. The council has yet to mannifest a serious water conservation initiative with their own premises having insufficent water tanks installed, precious water is utilised for annuals and not trees. I would seek more facilities for the aged and children; equitity in resource distribution to Mullum; solutions to road and drainage issues and systemic septic problems; and limiting rate increases to less than CPI. Not all of us are dog lovers. I advocate a Dog Activity Centre to relieve pressure on our parks."
"MACMILLAN, GraemeMarried with four children. I am a chartered accountant conducting an international public sector management training and financial management consultancy specialising in local government. We have lived in Park Orchards for 18 years. I am a member of a local service club. As a regular contributor and commentator on the council’s policies and strategies I want to be directly involved in assisting our community over difficult financial times. I will seek to reduce or eliminate the forecast rate rises, improve the efficiency, effectiveness and appropriateness of all council operations, obtain better accountability and transparency and achieve stronger community involvement in the council’s economic, social and environmental decision-making. I can contribute strategic planning skills to the critical new 4-year Council Plan. I want a fairer deal for Mullum Mullum ward residents in obtaining better roads, drains and footpaths. Vote for good governance. 9879 9100"
"ELLIS, DavidWho cares about Council elections? Well, perhaps you do. Right now our community needs to plan wisely for a future that is economically sound and environmentally sustainable. We need value for money in Council finances. We need decisive action on public transport and water security. We need to value the open spaces that define our part of Manningham. We don’t need a freeway through Manningham’s Green Wedge, and we don’t need to sell off public parks for further development. You have a right to expect your Council to provide strong advocacy and action on all these issues; and you have a right to be heard, not just at election times. You can contact me through my website www.davidellis.net.au or phone 9844 5135. Make your voice heard."